
Manukrawa Dance

Manukrawa dance was first created in 1981 by I Wayan Dibia ( choreographer ) , and I Wayan Beratha ( composer ) . Before becoming a freelance dance , dance ballet Manukrawa is part of the Mahabharata Bale Gala - Gala Ramayana ballet team work / Mahabharata Bali Province is shown in the Bali Arts Festival 1980 . Manukrawa dance composition: Dance is performed by a group ( between 5 to 7 people ) is a female dancer dance new kreasis describe the behavior of a group of birds ( Manuk ) water ( swamp ) as told in the story of the epic Mahabharata Parwa Wana .

History of Manukrawa dance , her movements are taken from classical Balinese dance combined with dance movements of Javanese and Sundanese , which has been modified in accordance with the demands of beauty .

As well as dance and dance Cendrwasih grouse from Bali . Manukarawa dance inspired from birds Manukrawa itself. Manukrawa taken from Manuk word meaning bird . So manukrawa is a bird that lives in the swamp. So do not be surprised if the dance movement resembles Manukrawa the swamp bird. Manukrawa dance is part of the Mahabharata Bale Gala - Gala team works Ramayana / Mahabharata Bali Province which shown in the Bali Arts Festival on 1980 .

Dance and movement
This dance depicts a group of swamp birds that was joking fun while foraging . This dance is usually performed or played by small children, not adult transform. In terms of dance moves Manukarawa more squat - stand.

If viewed from the dancers performed by the children , not like other Balinese dance tends to be played by adults and has a magical value, Manukrawa has no particular purpose. In general Manukrawa dance only as mere entertainment for children. Besides, as a medium to learn as the bird manukrawa familiar with Balinese tradition.